Grievance Policy
It is the policy of Metro Treatment Center, Inc. that the clients are encouraged to state complaints and/or grievances if they believe their rights have been violated, and to pursue a resolution to their concerns in a formal, structured format that provides fair and equitable results through due process. Metro will cooperate with KDADs in completion of any inquiries related to client grievances.
Clients will be fully informed of the grievance procedures during their orientation to services. In addition, they will receive a client handbook that will provide an overview of this process for later reference.
A grievant shall in no way be subject to disciplinary action or reprisal, including reprisal in the form of denial or termination of services, loss of privileges, or loss of services as a result of filing a grievance
Day-to-day issues affecting clients shall be resolved informally between the client and the client’s primary counselor. If the problem or complaint is not resolved to the satisfaction of the person served, the primary counselor will adhere to the guidelines contained in this policy and assist the client in accessing the procedures necessary to resolve the concern.
Clients have the right to due process with regard to grievances, and the organization will afford every reasonable opportunity for informal and/or formal resolution of the grievance.
Persons who may bring grievances include, but are not limited to:
The client.
The legal guardian of the client if deemed legally incompetent.
The attorney, designated representative, or a representative of a rights protection or advocacy agency of the person served.
Notices summarizing a person’s right to due process in regard to grievances, including the process which grievances may be filed and copies of forms to be used for such purpose, shall be available at the facility.
Each client will be informed of his/her right to grieve and the right to be assisted throughout the grievance process by a representative of his/her choice, in a manner designed to be understandable to the person served.
During a formal grievance procedure, the person served will have the right to the following:
Assistance by a representative of his/her choice.
Review of any information obtained in processing the grievance, except that which would violate the confidentiality of another client.
Presentation of evidence of witnesses pertinent to the grievance.
Receipt of complete findings and recommendations, except those that would violate the confidentiality of another client.
In all grievances the burden of proof shall be on the organization to show compliance or remedial action to comply with the policies and procedures established to ensure the rights of clients.
All findings of a formal grievance procedure shall include:
A finding of fact.
A determination regarding the adherence of the organization, program, or employee, or the failure to adhere, to specific policies or procedures designed to ensure the rights of persons served.
Any specific remedial steps necessary to ensure compliance with organizational policies and procedures.
The steps of a formal grievance are as follows:
Formal grievances shall be filed first with the Program Director in which the grievance arises.
A copy of the grievance shall be forwarded to the Program Sponsor.
The Program Director will meet with the grievant, and/or representatives, immediately following the filing to brainstorm resolution of any related issues that may get in the way of full participation in services. Actions may include, but not be limited to, a change in direct care providers or an adjustment in schedules and/or program environments.
The organization will issue a formal written response to the grievant, and/or the designated representatives, within five working days, excluding weekends or holidays, of the complaint.
The steps to appeal a written response to a grievance:
If the grievant is unsatisfied with the findings of the written response to a grievance, he or she may appeal the decision to the Program Sponsor within five days, excluding weekends or holidays.
The Program Sponsor will issue a formal written response to the grievant, and/or the designated representatives, within five working days, excluding weekends or holidays, of the complaint.
If the grievant is unsatisfied with the findings of the written response, he/she will be referred to a third party outside of the organization. Third parties may include organizations such as professional licensing boards or other appropriate organizations that may serve as an advocate for the client.
All staff members of Metro Treatment Center, Inc. will be trained in the implementation of this policy and procedures during orientation, and will receive ongoing training of the procedures to ensure the process is applied in a comprehensive manner if a grievance is filed.
Grievances regarding the actions of specific staff members will be handled in accordance with personnel rules and contract provisions. No disciplinary action may be taken, nor facts found with regard to any alleged employee misconduct, except in accordance with applicable personnel rules and labor contract provisions.
A Grievance Log will be maintained by the organization detailing the nature of the complaint, relevant information obtained in the investigation, and the outcome of the process. All information contained will maintain the confidentiality of the participants in the process. This record will be reviewed annually by the Executive Director to determine if there are trends in the complaints, and to identify areas to initiate performance improvement activities.
Grievances may be filed at any time at the request of the client with the following:
Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services
503 S. Kansas Ave.
Topeka, Kansas 66603
Phone (785) 296-6807 Fax (785)296-0256
CARF International
6951 E Southpoint Rd
Tucson, AZ 85756
Phone# (520) 325-1044
Toll-free/TTY#(888) 281-6531
Fax#(520) 318-1129
We also encourage all clients to offer suggestions and recommendations on how we can better serve you and our community. We provide a suggestion box with paper and pens for anonymous comments. We also conduct semi-annual satisfaction surveys at which time comments are requested.